We added a new feature to the Bibliography: “Altmetric donuts” close to each publication listed in the page.
What are the Article Level metrics (Altmetric) ?
Altmetrics give a measure of the digital impact and reach of an article by combining a selection of online indicators (both scholarly and non-scholarly) . They do this by tracking, collecting and measuring large amounts of data collected from all of the places where people talk about science online – for example, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, message boards and mainstream newspapers and magazines. Altmetric allows authors and publishers to see what people are saying about a scholarly paper and can tell them how much attention a paper is receiving relative to their peers.
The Altmetric donuts are a representation of the Altmetric information:
The score is automatically updated every week, so that the followers of the blog can access real time information about the attention that is developing around each of the listed papers.
We encourage you to submit your paper to the blog to increase the reach of your achievements!
]]>N.gaditanaB-31|Naga_100019g47.1 N.gaditanaCCMP526|Nga20827 nudix hydrolase;
Even though the differences and the imprecisions of the various gene predictions probably play a major role in the determination of the differences among the two species, a close look at the lists of proteins that are putatively assigned as characteristic of each species my reserve interesting surprises!
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]]>Now available an on line form to share your findings with the Nanncohloropsis scientific community!
By completing the on line form you will advertise your paper through our Bibliography page and you will signal to the “nannochloropsis.org” personell how to update the databases integrating your new findings!
We will integrate your data as soon as possibile. And we will be pleased to open a discussion on your new findings in this blog with your help!